Monday, November 17, 2014

Literacy with an Attitude by Finn

Literacy with an Attitude by Finn
Extended Comments: I am going to connect to Mike’s blog. I think he totally hit the hammer on the nail. I believe some teachers are teaching for the wrong reasons or with the wrong priorities in mind. I say this because some teachers strictly focus on take testing and have strict guidelines. These strict guidelines don’t allow for students to think outside the box and be unique. If students are able to add their own twist and two cents and if teachers teach in unique ways students will then become more attentive and take in the information. Teaching should not be about only passing specific tests, money, or social class; it is about teaching our students to be the best they can be for their future and ultimately for the future of the society and world. Part of the reason teaching is off is because of the criteria teachers need to follow and standardized tests they have to give to their students, so it is not exactly their fault. That excuse only accounts for some teachers. Not everything that students need to learn is fun and enjoyable but a lot can be if taught correctly. I would just like to see more teachers let each child grow into their own person, still giving them direction but letting them take that direction and make it them. After all, each person is different and has something to offer. Students need to be encouraged and supported. Also, the social class system going on in schools by teachers is crazy. Teachers should not judge students based on their social class. That is just another stereotype. A student’s ability to excel, yes sometimes, might be affected by their home life and therefore social class, but not necessarily their ability, desire, and potential to learn and grow.
My question to the class is how do you feel you will teach?
The picture below is a reminder that I am not trying to say that I do not expect teachers to not have discipline but I just want them to be supportive, flexible, and creative and teachers. In fact, discipline is especially important.
Disciplined but not strict
In the video below the woman discusses how to teach for test success but not necessarily teaching to the test, I believe this is very insightful.


  1. I side with your opinion that students shouldn't be judge by social class

  2. I respect Linda Darling-Hammond so much. She is very knowledgeable about education. Good choice!

  3. Students do need to be encouraged in learning. They should never be judged because of what social class they are in.
