Sunday, November 30, 2014

“Education Is Politics” by Shor

“Education Is Politics” by Shor
I found Shor’s article very interesting. This author argues that socialization and democracy is what school should be all about. The author further explains that society cannot be made unless people create it together. I do agree with the author, that socialization helps make the people who make society. I always wondered when I was younger, what is school, what is the point of it, and why are we forced to go to school? I think it is a great idea for teachers to start school and establish the reasoning of why students go to school. If students know why they are doing something they will be more willing to do it, more passionate, and more understanding; just like any person in any situation. As Shor says, “people are naturally curious.” Therefore, children are going to want to learn and discuss life and society. What we need to make sure is that school systems are not just focusing on memorizing but more talking, discussing, evaluating, experimenting, and giving children their own voice.  I agree that a teacher’s main focus should be to mediate between outside authorities, formal knowledge, and individual students in the classroom. Through day-to-day lessons, teaching link's the students' development to the values, powers, and debates in society. Teachers need to make sure that there is mutual dialogue. Are students being spoken to or spoken at? Teachers should talk about things that are relative and can connect to present day situations. This point reminds me of Meir, “Why Can’t She Remember That?” Students will be more involved if the assignment is relative. Also, are tasks and assignments done in groups or alone? People need to work together and learn how to share and compromise. Participation is extremely important. Participation involves action and action is essential to gain knowledge. If you do not participate you are dulling your mind and ability to make your own life decisions. Learning should involve curiosity, humor, and hope. A teacher should guide and not continually lecture and rule. Lastly, students should ask questions and be aware. Shor argues many different points about teaching in a classroom but I believe all are accurate and beneficial. Ultimately, a classroom should be all about socialization and democracy.
Comment: I would like to share my video link because I think it is very eye opening.
The picture below shows a classroom with students initiating a discussion by themselves, and learning from one another.

The link below is an awesome TED Talk that is a teacher explaining her teaching.


  1. I really liked the questions you brought up throughout your reflection, it makes you think about not only past experiences but what should be done in the future (i.e.- are students being spoken to or spoken at?)

  2. I also think it is very important to establish a purpose for students as to why school is important. By asking questions they are expanding their knowledge and learning how to be a successful member of society. Teachers need to encourage more learning like that.

  3. students should feel free to ask questions
