Sunday, October 26, 2014

Kahne and Westheimer “In Service of What?”

Kahne and Westheimer “In Service of What?”

1)      “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
This quote is originally from President Kennedy but was restated in this article to prove a point. The quote says people should not only expect receiving from their country but should also give to their country. I feel this quote is saying if people want to have a good society and be happy in their country they need to treat it like a relationship in a sense and understand it is a two way street. A country and society is like a team, citizens should work together for a common goal of a productive happy country to live in. In order for children and young adults to play their role and give back they can be involved with service learning.

MORAL                     POLITICAL INTELLECTUAL                
CHARITY     Giving             Civic Duty      Additive Experience  
CHANGE      Caring             Social              Transformative
Reconstruction        Experience
I am using this table from the article as quote number two. This table explains the goals that people want to see service learning students attain. This table is important because it shows how service learning creates positive impacts on people. The positive impacts are in moral, political, and intellectual categories. Due to the fact that Service Learning is so beneficial it should be implemented in all schools so that people are introduced to the benefits for both themselves and their country at a young age.

3)      "[The neighborhood] isn't as bad as the news makes it out to be." "The rumors I have                  heard are a big bunch of hogwash . . . .I'm glad I went on that trip because it was a wonderful experience to meet new people and find out about their lives."
This quote is from a student who did his/her service learning in a so called “bad neighborhood.” The student realizes all the negative stereotypes, news, and rumors about the place she was going to was not really all that bad. Through service learning she got to experience the environment and make an opinion for herself about it, so she was not stuck to a single story. This quote shows how service learning can be so eye opening and informative to students about the real world, amongst other benefits also.
·         The point I would like to bring up in class is the question, do you think service learning should be part of every school’s curriculum requirement?
·         The picture below explains how being part of a service learning program is being part of something bigger than yourself.

·         The link below shows and explains what exactly service learning is and why it is important for the education of children.


  1. I like the way you compare a society and a team it makes sense since they need to work together

  2. I really enjoyed the third quote you included, because I believe that everyone goes into a service learning project with some prejudices. For example, I was told a countless amount of times before going into my school that it was in a horrible neighborhood and that I should be really careful when driving over there. However, when I finally arrived the school was in very good condition and I love being there. Yes, the neighborhood isn't the best, but you are always going to have places that are better than others. Service learning really opens your eyes to other perspectives and makes you rethink what you previously thought before.

  3. I agree with your idea of society working as a team in order to make things better and building a better world. I also really like your third quote because I agree, people always go into any situation with expectations and prejudices. Service learning opens your eyes to more than just the "bad neighborhoods" you travel and help out in.

  4. Service learning is truly life changing. It helps to eliminate prejudices against other groups and it is important to put ourselves in someone else's shoes before we judge. Service learning must be implemented in every school. By not adding it to the curriculum, we could be potentially stripping students from very rewarding learning experiences.

  5. I really like how you set up your blog this week and how it hit on every point. I liked the story about the kids that went to the poor neighborhood as well and used that in my blog. A little bit can go along way.

  6. I agree that service learning is eye opening. I also liked the video.
