Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Silenced Dialogue-Delpit

The Silenced Dialogue” Delpit
Quote 1:
Benjamin e. Mays, president of the prestigious, historically black Morehouse College for over twenty-seven years, proclaimed that the purpose of a college education is not only “to train the mind to think, but the heart to feel . . . the injustice of man-kind; and to strengthen the will to act in the interest of the common good.” This quote explains how education is not just being book smart but more so learning the importance of freedom, equality, humility, love, etc. If we want the society and the world to be a better place we need to concentrate on the education that is not just book smart. We need to educate children on positive, beneficial ways of living. We definitely need to get rid of any gaps between people with differences.
Quote 2:
“I myself have come to a viable synthesis of perspectives. But both sides do need to be able to listen, and I contend that it is those with the most power, those with the majority, who must take the greater responsibility for initiating the process.” This quote explains how the people with the most power need to use it responsibility. The people that have the majority say need to be conscious of all the perspectives. Every person has an important role in changing ways but especially the people who hold the majority decision. They must make sure they are looking out for a greater good and not just being selfish.
Quote 3:
“I prefer to be honest with my students. I tell them that their language and cultural system is unique and wonderful but that there is a political power game that is also being played, and that if they want to be in on that game there are certain games that they too must play.” This quote explains how race, culture, gender, etc. are all qualities that people have to compensate for. Progress still needs to be made to have equality within all these qualities that people have. People realize they must play games to get where they need to go because society will not accept them fairly. This is unfortunate and not fair to people. Although progress has been made through the years, there is still a lot of issues that need to be faced.   
Comment-I would like to mention how the first quote stuck out the most to me because it shows that teachers play a strong role in education and they can make a positive impact and difference with hard work, passion, and dedication.
This hyperlink is a random video I happened to watch and I found it a funny coincidence because all the students seemed to say how a good teacher has all the qualities that this reading discussed.  A teacher should be someone who connects with the students, relatable, fair, respects opinions, has a personality with the class, and approachable, just to name a few.


  1. I like your take showing what education can truly be

  2. The first quote you posted also really stuck out to me. It shows not only how our individual education should grow as we go through college, but also our individual character. It seems that we should not only be learning to increase our own knowledge but how to help society grow and learn as well. It is up to the teachers we have throughout our lifetime to teach us these skills, and it takes a lot of hard work and a very special kind of person to complete this daunting task.

  3. Betsy, the third quote you list was another example of what I also took away from the reading. Honesty will only get you so far in this world, it's sad but true. You do have to "play the game" even if you don't want to and you think its the wrong thing to do. If you don't someone else will and that's the sad truth of our culture.

  4. I believe that education is missing the part where responsibility is taken to make sure no one is left behind when they do not understand. I took that thought away from this reading and the quotes you picked out.
